Friday, June 29, 2007

"Consciousness Raising" begins...

Mission statements (we have many):

This is a public forum to take ourselves, our thoughts and our relationships seriously.
This is a "RAW" place...meaning "Raising Awareness with Women".
This is a network to "lift the ceiling" and to disseminate information that doesn't always get shared in the commercial media.
This is a "think tank" of many contributors.
It is a place to be open about our issues and to be willing to hear others.
Who we are and what we think is important. This is not a place to be embarrassed.
The personal is political!
We are open...hoping and growing.

*this was a culmination of feedback from a group of women

1 comment:

ksaint said...

I will be missing the first true meeting of the Consciousness raising Group. I was eager to be there, but due to family obligations , I will not be able to join you. So i decided to write about my personal perspective on feminism.

I suppose people have considered me a defiant individual for most of my life. I know in my family, I was considered the Black sheep for the longest time. Always trying to buck the system. Do things the way i saw fit.

As I have grown older, I am much more selective about the battles I choose to engage in.

I think I am a feminist in that I think women have a voice, have the same rights as their male counterpart. We are all human beings. So for me it is more of a belief that all people should be treated equally. And I am not one to get on a soapbox about these things. I think it is a matter of respect. And I think it begins in very small ways.

there are some women blessed with the gift and the ability to lead, to inspire, to actively make a difference in how women are treated on every level.

I have a small voice. I look at my own pain, my own sense of outrage in times of injustice. And I try to consider the source, understand what's going on and offer something that might lead to a more relxed and positive out come.

My experience has taught me that things get accomplished and move in the direction of change when they are allowed to happen.

I believe that women should be taught at a very tender age how to stand on their own two feet. How to follow their dreams, how to be there for each other. I believe that is how we get our strength and that is where we begin to make a difference, slowly but surely.