Tuesday, July 31, 2007

one thing i love about the "third wave" is the return to traditional crafts. my personal fave of all of these is probably (at least at the moment) knitting. i love knitting. i like knitting scarves and washcloths, loved the first time i knit something in the round, and adored this one baby hat i made so much that i think i might need to make a million more of 'em (so if you ever have a baby, lemme know because i need babies to knit hats for). one can knit just about anywhere, which makes it the most perfect craft ever. i have knit in just about as many places as i have nursed my son, which is saying a lot. i love the knitted tree at severence center, outside the cleveland heights town hall, which i like to refer to as a "tree cozy." this is why i so much love the graffiti knitting movement. it's awesome, and most importantly combines my love of all things radical, subversive, and stockinette stitched.


sally said...

i have been knitting caps for kids for a couple of years. then i give them to the group that gets them distributed.
if you are interested i will give you the info

anna kiss said...

I was thinking of doing something like that. Could you just post the info so I can refer to it when I do in fact make millions of baby hats? I thought of just making them and donating them to the NICU at Rainbow Babies.

Anonymous said...

Great work.