Friday, June 29, 2007

I love RAW

RAW as an acronym and an adjective is a perfect subtitle for our group!

There is also something very raw about coming together to understand and take down the structure - no??

In sisterhood, y'all!

hi from last nite

i am so grateful for the women who were at the consciousness meeting last nite.
i look forward to many wonderful discussions.
please excuse my spelling


"Consciousness Raising" begins...

Mission statements (we have many):

This is a public forum to take ourselves, our thoughts and our relationships seriously.
This is a "RAW" place...meaning "Raising Awareness with Women".
This is a network to "lift the ceiling" and to disseminate information that doesn't always get shared in the commercial media.
This is a "think tank" of many contributors.
It is a place to be open about our issues and to be willing to hear others.
Who we are and what we think is important. This is not a place to be embarrassed.
The personal is political!
We are open...hoping and growing.

*this was a culmination of feedback from a group of women